The aim of the Family Law Amendment Bill is to help improve and modernize the Australian family law system. The reforms aim to assist separating families to have an easier and fairer process when dividing property and finances, especially when family violence is present.

The key changes to the bill include:
Property division: clarification on decision making framework and procedural improvements. The aim of the amendments is to ensure that the victim of family violence is not disadvantaged.
Improvements in the protection of families impacted by family violence (with the inclusion of companion animals). With these changes, assistance animals kept to support a person with a disability will no longer be considered a companion animal and no longer subject to dispute.
Changes to Children’s contact Services

The aims of the bill are to ensure:
That in the division of property, family and domestic violence can be taken into consideration to ensure the victims are treated fairly and not further disadvantaged
That the courts consider the economical factors of family violence when making settlement or spousal maintenance orders
That the parties and their dependents maintain a satisfactory standard of living
That the Children’s Contact Services (CCS) allows for safe and child-focused support
That the family courts procedures are as clear as possible
The bill aims at a safer environment for families who are undergoing separation.
For more information regarding your Family Law matters, please contact our office on: +61 3 94163463 or email: